Sunday, November 6, 2016

New York Times reveals front page it had planned for the Cubs losing the World Series

Not to get too into the weeds of how the sausage is made, but any self-respecting media organization will plan for every eventuality when it comes to major events. And so, during the 2016 World Series, with the Indians sitting on a 3-1 lead, there came a time to plan for a potential Cleveland Indians victory.
The New York Times did just that, and when that victory never came, it meant all its plans went out the window. But in a tongue-in-check (and rather interesting) mea culpa on its website, the paper revealed the front page it had planned for the Cubs 2016 World Series loss that never was.
The art department’s wheels started turning when Sam Roberts, an obits reporter, reminded the Sports desk that Norman Rockwell had painted a memorable scene of the dejected Cubs called “The Dugout” for The Saturday Evening Post. Coincidentally, it was published in 1948 — the last time the Indians won the World Series.

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