Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Timberwolves Shouldn't Give Up Andrew Wiggins And The No. 5 Pick For Jimmy Butler

jimmy butler, anderw wiggins
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There’s been a lot of chatter today about a potential reunion between Tom Thibodeau and his former All-Star guard Jimmy Butler. As coach and team president, Thibs is reportedly willing to part with the ‘Wolves’ No. 5 pick in this summer’s draft to bring Butler to Minnesota. But the Bulls are likely to demand quite a bit more in return for a player of Butler’s caliber.
Darren Wolfson
Good work from Marc. Word is Bulls won't do if AW not involved. If wanted to move JB, bet Bos. would give up No. 3.
It’s certainly has to be a tempting proposition for Thibodeau, but it also seems like madness to give up on a player with Wiggins’ potential this early in his career. One of Wiggins’ biggest strengths has always been his defense, and Thibodeau is precisely the right coach to nurture that development. Look no further than Butler himself for evidence of this. Butler also began to flourish offensively under Thibodeau’s tutelage, and while Wiggins has shown early acumen in that department, he still has tremendous room for growth.
The Cavs gave up on Wiggins for a more established star before his career even started, and that’s looking more and more like a mistake with each underwhelming performance from Kevin Love during these playoffs. It’s nearly impossible not to imagine how much better equipped the Cavs would’ve been to face the Warriors with a potentially-elite perimeter defender and slasher like Wiggins in their lineup.
It also bears mentioning that it’s Butler’s recent diceyness behind the scenes that’s made this even a long-shot for the Bulls’ brass. Though Butler and Thibs have a relationship that goes back relatively far, it has to be something that gives the ‘Wolves’ front office pause, given their young and impressionable core. The risk and the price-tag attached to such a deal are simply too high.

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