Saturday, June 18, 2016

Stephen A. Smith Comes Under Fire For Controversial Remarks On Ayesha Curry

Following the suspenseful Game 6 of the NBA Finals on Thursday (June 16), many spectators reacted with their honest feelings about what they just witnessed, including Ayesha Curry.
Stephen Curry’s wife took to her Twitter account to share her initial thoughts, but came under heavy scrutiny when she tweeted that the series was “rigged.” Drawing criticism from across the ‘Net, her remarks made its way to ESPN’s First Take, where commentator Stephen A. Smith added even more fuel to the fire.
Stating that Mrs. Curry “stepped out of line, she stepped out of pocket,” Smith added that she’s a “reflection” of the Golden State Warrior and his team, and should be more mindful of what she presents to the public.
“You can’t get caught up in your own individual emotions and having this zest to speak out, to the point where it compromises your husband,” he said. “That is not what you should be doing, and the fact that she did that, she was wrong. It came off across as very classless.”
His next comment, however, turned heads that even prompted a response from Curry herself. Smith pitted the mother-of-two against LeBron James’ wife, Savannah Brinson, and said that when she attends the Cleveland Cavaliers’ home games, she “sits there. She doesn’t bring any attention to herself.”
“If that was Savannah, LeBron’s wife, if that were Gloria, LeBron’s mother, what would we be saying? LeBron James has a mom and has a wife, has kids, great guy, an even greater ambassador of the game of basketball than Steph Curry, because he’s done it over the test of time,” Smith said. “Wonderful, beautiful father. And I’ve got news for you. As beautiful as everyone wants to say Ayesha Curry is, and she is, Savannah is something special. I’m here to tell you something right now. Ain’t a man alive, particularly a black man, that’s going to look at LeBron James’s wife and not say that that woman ain’t gorgeous. She’s wonderful inside and out… She never tweets and goes out there and calls out the league and stuff like that… nobody is more scrutinized than her husband. But yet she thinks about how she represents him, and as a result, she doesn’t do that.”
Ayesha Curry caught wind of Smith’s opinion, and tweeted her retort on why he feels it’s necessary to compare her reactions to James’ wife.

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