Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A bold internet hero Crying Jordan'd the Cavaliers' website

LeBron James embraces his destiny (via @woodymlb4).
The "Crying Jordan" meme has unquestionably gone mainstream. No sports defeat or act of domination can go without the loser becoming part of the meme, whether via high-level photoshop or barely functional work. Crying Jordan comes for us all, but it increasingly looks as if it's already come for everyone.
Even if it is sometimes a bit tired, Crying Jordan will probably live longer than any of us expect thanks to the creativity of the people who use it. Its latest victim isn't even corporeal. It's a team website:

Eric Fawcett
Someone bought and redirected it to the Cleveland Cavaliers website 😂😂😂
The official site of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Includes news, scores, schedules, statistics, photos and video.

Yes, someone has redirected, a site most people would expect to catalogue the thousands of instances of its application, to the Cleveland Cavaliers' official website. We can only guess that it's a Golden State Warriors fan prematurely handing the team its second straight championship over Cleveland. Apparently Crying Jordan has not taught this fan not to tempt fate.
While this URL redirect seems a little early, it's also a preview of coming attractions should the Cavaliers lose Thursday's Game 6 or Sunday's Game 7 to drop the series. That devastation will go far beyond to touch LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love, and any other member of the team who played a notable role in the NBA Finals.
And it won't stop with Jordan. It never does. Not even the websites are safe.

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