Friday, December 11, 2015

On way to Marine Corps ball, Ronda Rousey says she wants a rematch

The first video of Ronda Rousey speaking on the record since her shocking loss last month to Holly Holm has emerged, courtesy of TMZ. An obviously sleepy Rousey was caught early in the morning Friday getting into an SUV that was taking her to Los Angeles International Airport, where she was flying off to North Carolina to attend the Marine Corps ball.
Rousey, who pulled a hood over her head and held a pillow over her face when she returned to Los Angeles last month after the loss to Holm at UFC 193, laughed about finally getting out of the house.
Marine Lance Cpl. Jarrod Haschert asked Rousey to the ball in the summer, and she accepted on the condition that he find dates for her friends. Later, when news broke that Rousey was dating fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne, Haschert said he hoped she wouldn't back out of her commitment.
On Friday, a sleepy Rousey told TMZ she was keeping her word.
"I'm going to the Marine ball," she said after embracing Browne. "Yeah, I promised I'd go. It's an honor to be asked. Honestly, I'd probably stay on my couch, crying and eating ice cream if he hadn't asked me. So it's probably a good thing."
UFC president Dana White has been vocal about making Rousey-Holm II at UFC 200 in Las Vegas in July. Rousey told ESPN the Magazine that she wanted to go, and she confirmed that Friday in the video with TMZ.
Asked if reports of a July rematch in Las Vegas were correct, she said, "It's what I want, but it's up to the UFC and it's up to her camp, so we'll see what happens."
Finally, the videographer asked her how she felt. Clearly, she was better than she was the last time they spoke to her, but she alluded to her difficulties in getting over the defeat.
"Yeah, I don't know how good I look at 4 o'clock in the morning after the worst month ever, but you know?" Rousey said.

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