Sunday, December 6, 2015

Saints block extra point, return it for two points for first time in NFL history

We had some history on Sunday in the Carolina Panthers-New Orleans Saints game. For the first time ever, a team blocked an extra point and returned it for a two-point score ... what would you call that? A reverse conversion?
The Saints were leading the undefeated Panthers 14-13 as the Panthers set up for a new, extended extra point from the 15 yard line. New Orleans' Kevin Williams blocked the kick, and Stephone Anthony took it all the way in the other direction to extend the Saints' lead to 16-13 at the half.

NFL Network
Panthers score TD. Extra pt attempt blocked. And returned TO THE HOUSE for 2 pts (first in history) NO 16, CAR 13

It's worth noting that while an extra point is worth one point, of course, the conversion is worth double that. New rule idea: any time the defense returns a turnover for a score, double the points. So pick-sixes become pick-12s. Blocked field goals are live and become six points the other way. Come on, the defense has enough trouble in today's NFL. Why not give them a little love?

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