Friday, April 15, 2016

Johnny Manziel trashed posh L.A. pad, evidence of drug use

Agent Drew Rosenhaus to Johnny Manziel: Get help
Now this is a Page Six story if there ever was one.
According to New York Post's Emily Smith, out-of-work quarterback Johnny Manziel and his friends trashed a posh Los Angeles home they were renting and the real estate broker who discovered the damage said that there were clear signs of drug use at the house.
Manziel and a friend rented a $4.5 million house in West Hollywood for two days last week, and it sounds like it was a hell of a party. An expensive glass table was broken. So was a bathroom door. Wine stains. Cigarette burns on carpets. Kathy Griffin was there! All hell apparently broke loose.
Broker Nicholas Goodwin has demanded $32,000 from Manziel for damages, and he his lawyer spelled out the sordid details. The Post reported that "lines of suspicious white powder" were found, along with a bag of what appeared to be "magic mushrooms," or psilocybin, an illegal recreational drug.
In a letter written by Goodwin’s lawyer, Niki Ghazian, it's alleged that “Mr. Manziel threw large parties on both nights, causing extensive damage . . . Evidence suggests [Manziel] and his guests were consuming drugs and alcohol . . . and that they caused a disturbance to the neighborhood.”
That led to LAPD being called to the house on April 6. Goodwin, who arrived to the house after the two days to find it trashed and Manziel crashed on the sofa at 2 p.m., added more specific details about the drug use he believes went on at the house.
"They were supposed to check out at noon,' Goodwin told Page Six. "Manziel was passed out . . . There was cocaine all over the kitchen table, and mushrooms were still out on the table in front of him. There was booze everywhere . . . broken glasses over the floor and a Champagne glass in a tree.
“If they don’t respond to our demand for compensation, we will sue.”
No word yet from Manziel or his lawyers. Drew Rosenhaus, Manziel's agent for the past few weeks, dropped his new client until the former Heisman Trophy winner gets his life together. Manziel was dumped by the Cleveland Browns this offseason after a tumultuous two years in the NFL.
So this is what Manziel has been reduced to. He has been out of the league for less than a few months, and he already is trashing houses? We will find out what happens from here, but things are not looking good for his return to the NFL anytime soon. More paramount, it appears: Manziel could use help for controlling his apparently wild lifestyle.

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