Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ex-NBA star has awesome second career

When NBA players retire, they can do just about anything they want. Some go into broadcasting, some join front offices or start coaching, and some start their own business. But 2001 slam dunk champion Desmond Mason has taken a path far less travelled. The former swingman is an artist, and in his post-playing days he's found a world of success with his various pieces. A great spotlight article on his career popped up in the New York Post, and it revealed that his celebrity clinetele includes George Clooney and Alex Rodriguez, to name just a couple. Mason has always been an artist, dating back to college, where he was a studio art major at Oklahoma State. His studio is in Oklahoma City, but he's making an appearance this week in New York City at the Athletes for Art Renaissance Show in Chelsea. It's hard to think of a cooler second act for a professional athlete.
Chandler Jones just won a super bowl with the New England Patriots, so you'd think he's nailed down the biggest athletic goal of his career. But there's one he'd still like to give a shot. Jones said he'd like to take on his brother, UFC champion Jon "Bones" Jones in the octagon – for charity, of course. But big brother Jon jumped on Twitter to remind Chandler that's not really a challenge he wants to issue.
The Golden State Warriors love to play a risky game when they go out to eat as a group, and it's called credit card roulette. How does it work? When the meal ends, everyone puts their card in a hat, and the last one drawn has to buy dinner for everyone. It's a pretty sweet deal if you rarely get drawn, but what if you're the unlucky soul that always gets drawn? Ask Festus Ezeli, who gets drawn more than anyone else, despite making less than everyone else. Sure, his $1.1 million salary is nothing to sneeze at, but we're guessing these aren't your standard group dinners at mid-level restaurant chains. The icing on the cake for his teammates: No one hates losing more than Ezeli, which makes it twice as sweet when he gets drawn last.

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