Friday, May 6, 2016

Tim Lincecum sounds upbeat and hopeful after pitching showcase

Tim Lincecum's long and winding road following September hip surgery finally led him to a pitching mound in front of an audience on Friday.
Granted, it wasn't the exact location he wanted. His ultimate goal is to again pitch in front of thousands at a major-league stadium. For now though, he'll settle for dozens at Scottsdale Stadium in Arizona, because that's where his journey back enters its next phase.
With scouts from more than 20 major-league teams in attendance, the free-agent right-hander attempted to prove that his recovery is complete and his career is ready to resume. Whether or not those in attendance came away impressed will be answered by the offers Lincecum receives in the days ahead, but Lincecum himself left no doubt that he was pleased with his performance.
From the San Jose Mercury News:
"I'm happy," Lincecum told reporters after the audition. "I was able to throw strikes with my pitches, stay within myself, commanded all of my pitches. I only had a couple of misses and they weren't out over the plate, so that's encouraging for me."
Lincecum had told two reporters earlier in the week that his curveball was the best it has been in years. He threw several that had the pronounced, loopy break reminiscent of his rookie season, when he was a two-pitch thrower who overwhelmed minor leaguers to break into the big leagues but still had so much to learn.
Meanwhile, many of the reports seemed to reflect Lincecum's good feelings. Though again, we'll only know for sure when he weighs his offers and puts pen to paper.

Tim Brown
Meanwhile, accounts of Lincecum session today seem pretty promising. A lot of "Has something left, needs a good situation." Ballpark, etc..

This is how it looked from the perspective of ESPN's Eric Longenhagen.

Eric Longenhagen
Here you go, fiends.
Eric Longenhagen
Tim Lincecum 90-91, slider 84, curve 76-77, change 84. Looks shredded.

It sounds like fatigue may have crept in toward the end of his 41-pitch session, which is understandable. Lincecum is sure to be brought along slowly, regardless of where he signs, so that he can continue building up his arm strength.
No matter the timetable though, Lincecum just sounded relieved and ready for whatever comes next.
"This whole process has taken a lot of time," Lincecum said. "It's been a little rigorous, a little Groundhog Day-ish, but making it to today and all the work that's been put in to this point today has definitely showed today and I feel good about that.
"If it leads toward being a starter, that would be good," Lincecum said. "I've been working my butt off with pitch counts, working off that five-day rotation to elongate myself as a pitcher and a starter. It just continues today."

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